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 We have helped thousands of people enjoy greater quality of life through safer mobility -

"The Next Level of Freedom"

Over 400 Loyal Referring Physicians

Power Chair picture

Mobility Plus of CA. works closely with popular insurance such as Medicare, Medi-Cal, Health Plan of San Juaquin, along with 20 additional insurance plans.


Commonly covered items include: Wheelchairs, Powerchairs, Hospital Beds and other medically necessary items. Our office staff works diligently to obtain authorizations for your physician-ordered medical equipment.


We provide loaner Powerchairs for our Medicare beneficiaries while we provide maintenance and repair services for their chair.

Best Prices on Scooters & Lift Chairs

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Monday – Friday our customers find a large selection of Portable and Full-Sized Mobility Scooters, Powerchairs, Lift Chairs, Wheelchairs, Ramps, Accessories, Rollators, Bath Safety items and more.


We keep our prices at or near rock bottom (Lift Chair Recliners all match Amazon pricing). To help our customers with their budget we provide financing through Care Credit.

Expert Repairs on Scooters & Powerchairs

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Mobility Plus of CA is dedicated to keeping our customer’s power mobility chairs and scooters running with safety and reliability.


Our Service Technicians will test and replace batteries, motor assemblies, and electronics to make sure your Mobility Scooter or Powerchair is running “like new.”


Insurance covered repairs are completing as timely as possible (through the authorization process), and we provide loaner powerchairs for our Medicare patients while they wait.

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